The federal government decreed the creation of the Jaguar Natural Protected Area in Tulum.
In the area, it will be possible to preserve and conserve ecosystems and their elements, as well as carry out research and tourism with low environmental impact.
On July 27, the creation of the new Protected Natural Area (ANP) of the Jaguar was decreed, with the character of Reserve of Protection of Flora and Fauna, in the municipality of Tulum.

According to the decree published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the new ANP consists of 2,249 hectares, made up of two general estates.
“In this area, it will be possible to preserve and conserve the ecosystems and their elements; research and scientific collection; environmental monitoring and education; non-extractive use of wildlife; low environmental impact tourism; and other activities”
The decree for the creation of this new ANP recognizes that it “is partially located on one of the largest and most important karstic aquifers in the world.”
In this underground river “there are at least 2,000 kilometers of underground passages, highlighting the Sac Actun system and the Ox Bel Ha system, considered one of the most extensive underwater cave systems, which belong to the Great Maya Aquifer, located in the northwest of Quintana Roo”, adds the document.

In addition, in the polygon designated as a reserve, seven types of vegetation were identified, which are high or medium sub-evergreen forest, which is the most representative in the site with 48%, high evergreen forest, low sub-deciduous forest, medium sub-evergreen forest-Tassistal, mangrove, sibal and secondary vegetation of high or medium sub-evergreen forest; likewise, waterholes and flood zones are also located.
It is worth mentioning that just this week, construction companies from Quintana Roo requested that the contract assignments for the construction of the Jaguar Park fence in Tulum be replenished.
The approximate amount of the work is 150 million pesos and “it has to be replaced to avoid speculation and lack of transparency in the process,” warned businessman Josué Osmany Palomo Hoil, treasurer of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry ( CMIC) in Quintana Roo.

This after last Friday, July 15, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit reported that for reasons beyond their control “the online page for public bids Compranet was removed”, for which the agency declared its temporary suspension, while the conditions for its resumption are restored.
Article source: El Economista